Navigating Research Ethics:

Unveiling Conflicts of Interest

Participate in an exclusive demonstration on simplifying COI discovery and management

Undisclosed conflicts of interest can carry significant risks for both individual researchers and institutions as a whole, including reputational, professional, and financial damages. Despite these dangers, the manual reviews many organizations rely upon can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

That’s why Cayuse developed Outside Interests: A modern COI management solution that helps teams identify, report, and mitigate conflicts before they become liabilities. 

Join our upcoming Anniversary Series Webinar to learn more about COI strategies and Cayuse Outside Interests, including:

  • Demonstrations of Outside Interests’ COI management tools
  • Evaluations of COI risk factors and best practices for maintaining compliance
  • Previews of upcoming features and benefits for Outside Interests users
  • And more!

Closed captioning will be enabled at this, and all, webinars.


Traci Gregorski, VP of Marketing

Jorge Alvarenga

Senior Product Manager

stef friesen

Darlene Nawrocki

Senior Solutions Consultant