It’s been a busy month in the Connect Community. Keep reading to see the latest discussions, job openings, and how you can register for the Connect by Cayuse conference for free.

Popular discussions

Save time by getting advice from expert research professionals in the Connect Community. Here are some of the conversations that happened last month:

Job openings

Whether you’re hiring or looking for your next opportunity, don’t forget that Connect Community by Cayuse has a designated forum for posting job openings. Any community member can post there at no cost and the posts are visible to everyone. Here are some recent job openings shared there:

In case you missed it

Registration is open for Connect by Cayuse 2021! Whether you’re an executive leader, an administrator, a librarian, in tech transfer/commercialization, managing graduate programs, or a researcher, we hope you can join us on September 21-23, 2021. 

Registration is free until June 30th with the completion of a survey. Data from the survey will be turned into a report on the state of research and shared out with everyone who completes the survey. Thank you for your help in compiling this important data!