10 Research Management Trends to Watch in 2025
Guest blog by Randi Wasik Sr. Director of Research...
How to Evaluate Research Administration Activities
Evaluating research administration activities is no easy task, but often you must prove your effectiveness to stakeholders. Learn how.
Using a Funding Source Balance Report for Grant Accounting
A funding source balance report provides a financial summary or overview of all fund sources. It details the overall budget, total expenditures, total encumbrances, and overall balance of the...
Promoting Collaboration in an Office of Sponsored Programs
What are the benefits of a cloud-based sponsored projects solution? Transparency, visibility, and accessibility, to name a few.
How to Streamline the Research Grant Closeout Process
Here are 6 steps to ensure your grant closeout goes smoothly, starting at the beginning of the award lifecycle.
Data Here, Documents There… What if Everything Wasn’t Everywhere?
Let’s take a look at two different scenarios of a day in the life of a research administrator, and you can decide which scenario would be best for your institution.
What Do Pre- and Post-award Research Administration Have in Common?
How are pre- and post-award research administration similar? Let's talk about the overlap and commonalities between the two.
What’s the Difference Between Pre-award and Post-award Research Administration?
Budget creation, account setup, finding funding, proposal submission...what's included in pre-award vs. post-award? Find out.
The Importance of Research in the Advancement of Society
Thanks to the internet and other technologies, life moves at a very fast pace. We're constantly adapting and learning new ways to do things--as well as expecting and even demanding innovation...
What is Administrative Burden in Research, and How Can You Reduce It?
Research-related administrative burden is increasing. Learn what takes the most time and how to reduce burden on your research teams.