The landscape of research administration is dynamic and challenging, with a wide range of complexities. One of the complexities that can trip up teams is effort reporting. The concept of retro-allocations has become a pain point in recent years due to changes in...
Multi-core projects are unique and complex entities within sponsored projects, requiring meticulous organization and diligent oversight. These large-scale endeavors involve multiple interrelated components that stand alone while sharing a common goal. During our...
Developing an accurate proposal budget is key to securing grants. Not only does it show sponsors you have a realistic sense of expenditures, but it also reassures them you will be using their funds optimally. A good proposal budget allows sponsors to weigh the costs...
The research industry is thriving, with billions of dollars funneled through research organizations and more funds earmarked every year for new or expanded projects. As a research administrator or grant manager, you likely find your workload is growing while resources...
Funding for research has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years, and it’s expected to keep climbing. But when you’re on the funding application side of the research lifecycle, even that good news doesn’t alleviate the burden of identifying and analyzing...
University research offices are tasked with providing a wide array of services and supporting multiple roles and departments within their institutions. Having efficient operations can go a long way toward creating a more competitive research enterprise. This, in turn,...