Conflict of interest disclosure software
Make COI disclosures painless
Complete, track, & review disclosures in minutes
Today, it’s more important than ever for research staff to complete conflict of interest (COI) disclosures. Failure to disclose risks serious repercussions, from whistleblower reporting and agency investigation, to grant suspension and public mistrust.
Now you can stay compliant and save time with Outside Interests. It’s so easy to use, no training is required!
A faster disclosure process
Outside Interests is 100% paperless, driving higher adoption and completion.
Increase transparency & accountability
Improve faculty participation
Quickly generate real-time reports

Administrator benefits
Auto-approve disclosures that have no potential conflict of interest
Ensure compliance and minimize liability
Gain a comprehensive, transparent overview into disclosure status
Easily search and export data

Researcher benefits
Protect research integrity
Maintain high ethical standards
Save valuable time on administrative tasks and focus more on research
“Cayuse’s tools have been very helpful to stay on top of regulatory changes, because they’re built to be compliant. These tools make it easy for us to be as transparent as possible with external entities, because they document protocol procedures better. Cayuse makes us easy to audit.”
Jason Wagoner
Director of Research and Sponsored Programs

Want to see Outside Interests in action?
Human Ethics
Improve collaboration among administrators, researchers, and committee members with electronic protocol preparation, submission, and routing.
Animal Oversight
Increase transparency of animal research protocols. Shorten turnaround time for protocol review and approval while reducing noncompliance risks.
Hazard Safety
Stay compliant, reduce approval time, and remove complexity from the protocol process. Keep research on schedule with improved collaboration and transparency.
Outside Interests
Make the disclosure process painless and increase faculty participation. Complete, track, and manage disclosures in minutes for more efficient research administration.
Over 670 top global research organizations trust Cayuse
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