We believe each day is National Research Administration Day and proof was found all around at the Cayuse Round-Up, our annual customer event. So how do Cayuse customers round up the Round-Up? It’s simple. With Voodoo donuts to fuel up for jam-packed educational sessions and early morning runs to burn off the delectable treats, the annual event was a success and we have photographic proof!

Matty and Jenn are prepared for eager doughnut tasters!

Teila Thomsen showing Round-Up attendees around Cayuse headquarters.

Cayuse CEO Matt McLellan welcoming attendees during the opening session at the Cayuse Round-Up.

Cayuse Founder Dr. Chris Harker explains his background as a researcher and his motivation for creating Proposals. He figured there has to be a better, easier way to submit grant proposals. He was right!

Cayuse Round-Up attendees heading to their next session via the sky bridge located in the beautiful Portland World Trade Center.

Our very own Carlos West, Technical Support Specialist, with Anita and Mollie from Kansas State University. Anita and Mollie specifically requested to meet him during the Round-Up!

Collaborating and networking at the Round-Up!

Attendees enjoying lunch, a stunning view of Portland’s waterfront park, and networking with peers.
We enjoyed teaching, learning, and exchanging ideas with all that attended the Round-Up. Cayuse is looking forward to and already preparing for next year. In the meantime, happy Research Administration Day!
Questions about the Cayuse Round-Up? Would you like to know more about our products and services? Feel free to contact us.