Value for Leadership

As research departments around the world expand with each year, it’s more important than ever to ensure your institution stays ahead of the curve, maximizing its current research potential and making room for growth when desired.

Supported by a practical background in research, we aim to provide your institution with the modern, digital infrastructure needed to support your research teams and maximize the impact of their research.

Research Platform

Everything your institution needs, all in one place. The Cayuse Research Platform provides a centralized, cloud-based suite with solutions covering the entire research lifecycle from start to finish. 

Improve communication and collaboration across departments by improving transparency and eliminating barriers. Our connected apps give stakeholders on-demand access to the information they need, when they need it.

“Cayuse has really changed our organizational culture — the culture of sharing information and transparency of information. It has helped to break down silos between departments and increased collaboration across departments.”

Valarie White
Director of Sponsored Programs & Technology Transfer

Cayuse Sponsored Projects provides a centralized hub for all stakeholders to track submissions from inception through close out, facilitating internal workflows and linking to the rest of the Cayuse Research Platform to ensure consistency and compliance.

Better efficiency, transparency, and reporting for your staff

  • Increase your institution’s research volume by dollars and by sponsor
  • Reduce risk on behalf of your institution with accurate reporting on your office’s activities
  • Ease of use for end users and increased efficiency for staff means higher employee satisfaction and increased adoption

“With Cayuse, each lab administrator can put in information and review everything in the system at the same time. It’s been a big time saver for us.”

Sheri Farnum
Associate Director, Office of Sponsored Programs


Grow your institution’s research portfolio, comply with changing regulations, and reduce administrative burden with Cayuse’s Pre-Award solutions.

“We’ve seen an increase in the number of proposals that are being submitted through Proposals as opposed to Our awards increased over $100 million this year.”

Nancy Lewis
Executive Director, Sponsored Projects

Proposals (S2S)

The de facto industry standard for fast and accurate federal grant proposals. Cayuse Proposals (S2S) helps institutions of all sizes accelerate proposal development, reduce pre-award burden, and improve the success of federal funding proposals.

Fuel growth through greater proposal volume and award success 

  • Significantly reduce risk to your institution when submitting federal applications with error and validation checks
  • Ensure your researchers don’t miss deadlines with automated reminders
  • Reduce your staff’s time spent developing and reviewing applications, freeing up FTE and returning valuable time for researchers to focus on the work that matters most


Enable your administrators to successfully steward their funding, manage their research portfolio, comply with changing regulations, and reduce administrative burden with Cayuse’s Post-Award solutions.

Fund Manager

Cayuse Fund Manager supplements and leverages your institution’s ERP systems for a financial management solution tailored to the research lifecycle.

Enable your research teams to manage funding and plan future expenses

  • Give end users access to relevant fund and transaction information rather than granting them access to the financial system of record, reducing risk for your organization
  • Provide more transparency into research funds to increase the likelihood of spending to zero
  • Save time for the central accountants who support your researchers

“We are saving 15 hours per week with Cayuse Fund Manager. No more spreadsheets, no more errors.”

Stacy Gallo
Administrative Secretary for Sponsored Research and Foundation Relations

“The product immediately touched on all of our hot-button issues: increase faculty participation and meet federal reporting requirements in a timely manner.”

Matthew Katz
Assistant Vice President of Sponsored Research and Contract Management

Project Effort

Cayuse Project Effort is our time and effort certification and reporting software, designed to help your institution comply with federal effort certification and payroll verification mandates.

Save time for your staff with faster certification and reporting

  • Automate certification reporting and give your researchers easy-to-understand reports detailing their effort on a project for approval with a single click
  • Reduce administrative time spent pulling together effort calculations and tracking down signatures on paper or PDF forms

    Risk Management

    Prioritize the safety of your researchers and their subjects and ensure compliance with Cayuse’s Risk Management solutions.


    Human Ethics

    Our cloud-based tool facilitates the submission, review, and approval of IRB protocols. Cayuse Human Ethics makes it easier for administrators to compare submissions for faster protocol reviews.

    Reduce IRB turnaround times and increase protocol transparency

    • Stay informed of higher-risk studies that could endanger your institution if researchers deviate from approved protocols
    • Reduce risk to your institution by enforcing protocol compliance with smart forms and automated notifications when potential issues arise


    “Cayuse has changed a lot with our department. It has streamlined a lot of our processing and has organized our department. It has made our IRB institution more organized — no paper anymore — and has really ramped up our number of studies. Now more of our providers and residents, even more of our medical students, are interested in doing research at our institution.”

    Amanda Hong
    Institutional Review Board Coordinator

    “Our researchers and staff are very satisfied with the user-friendly, high-performing software. They were especially pleased with the transparency throughout the entire lifetime of a protocol.”

    Mark Douse, Ph.D.
    Office for Research Committee Support Director

    Animal Oversight

    Cayuse Animal Oversight manages the lifecycle of animal use protocols from authorship to the end of the study and helps your staff address key compliance concerns.

    Monitor your institution’s IACUC/ACC protocols

    • Ensure faculty and staff can quickly adapt to the Cayuse Platform with Animal Oversight’s modern, intuitive interface and in-app help
    • Improve protocol compliance and secure your institution from the hazards on non-compliance with built-in industry components and automated tools and workflows

    Hazard Safety

    Cayuse Hazard Safety manages the lifecycle of biosafety protocols from authorship to the end of the study and helps to ensure that all key compliance concerns are addressed.

    Enable your staff to improve reporting and manage IBC meetings

    • Ensure faculty and staff can quickly adapt to the Cayuse Platform with Hazard Safety’s modern, intuitive interface and in-app help
    • Improve protocol compliance and secure your institution from the hazards on non-compliance with built-in industry components and automated tools and workflows

      “We were looking for cloud-based IBC and IACUC solutions that would easily share data with each other. We evaluated five vendors, and when we saw Hazard Safety, it literally made us smile. It’s clear that Cayuse knows what compliance offices need for success.”

      Louise Griffin
      Senior Director of Research and Sponsored Programs Administration

      University of New Hampshire

      “With Cayuse, we eliminated thousands of administrative hours annually while growing, since we don’t have as much administrative burden. Now more resources can go to the investigators.”

      Jason Wagoner
      Director of Research and Sponsored Programs

      Outside Interests

      Cayuse Outside Interests enables your researchers to easily disclose any potential conflicts of interest or conflicts of commitment.

      Simplify conflict disclosures for researchers and reviewers alike

      • Easily facilitate institutional-level conflicts of interest with questions appropriate for the C-suite built into disclosure smart forms
      • View, manage, and document possible foreign influence
      • Save your institution from the risk of fines, lawsuits, and grant suspensions that can arise from failures to properly disclose COI

      Resource Management

      Promote the welfare of animal research subjects and optimize your institution’s facility management Cayuse’s Resource Management solutions.

      Vivarium Operations

      Cayuse Vivarium Operations comprises four separate but fully integrated applications for procuring animal subjects, monitoring inventory, recovering costs, and managing billing.

      Ensure the well-being of your researchers, facilities, and animal subjects

      • Ensure faculty and staff can quickly and easily utilize the platform for all vivarium procedures with a modern, intuitive interface and in-app help
      • Save time for your staff by automating everyday procedures, removing the need to manually track processes involved in animal operations


      “It’s a lot easier for us to verify orders against the protocol with Cayuse, since the systems are integrated. It has enabled us to be ahead of regulatory compliance. We’re proactive instead of reactive.”

      Lorraine Bell
      Training Program Manager

      “I’m very happy with Cayuse and use it constantly! The system has made reporting health issues to the attending vets and the PIs much faster. We’ve reduced the time between an issue being reported and somebody checking on the animal significantly, and we can say we have documented follow-ups for all health issues.”

      Catalina Guerra
      DVM, Biological Resources Center Director

      The Lundquist Institute

      Vet Care

      Cayuse Vet Care helps your staff provide high-quality animal support and reduces time spent on record-keeping through transparency and automation tools.

      Ensure animal welfare for quality research and regulatory compliance

      • Improve compliance and tracking of your institution’s vivarium with animals involved in research
      • Reduce institutional risk and improve outcomes by facilitating faster and easier animal management

      Research Outcomes

      Bolster revenue generation and drive ROI for your organization with Cayuse’s Research Outcomes solutions



      Cayuse Inventions is a cloud-based application built to manage all aspects of commercialization, technology transfer, and intellectual property management.

      Enable easier management of all stages of your institution’s tech transfer lifecycle

      • Allow users to create standard workflows for the review and licensing of technologies
      • Easily manage the tech transfer lifecycle with an all-inclusive, scaleable solution with no added costs for additional functionality

      “I’ve met with everyone on the Cayuse team who deals with us; all of them are people of high integrity and have a genuine passion in trying to help us do this. A lot of them come from tech transfer or understand it pretty implicitly, so it’s worth your time.”

      Andrew Corris
      Senior Licensing Associate, Office of Technology Commercialization

      “The search functionality is excellent, and I like the speed at which it returns results. The user experience, both on the front end and back end, has been very positive.”

      Stephanie McGlinchey
      Manager, Research Services Library


      Cayuse Repository showcases research publications created as a result of the studies facilitated by researchers at your institution.

      Promote and encourage the work of your institution’s researchers

      • Build a rich picture of all research undertaken by your researchers utilizing data from the Repository
      • Publically share data and metrics on the societal and scientific impact of your institution’s research

      Researcher Success

      Simplify the graduate administration process and increase operational efficiency with Cayuse’s Researcher Success solutions.

      Graduate Education Manager (GEM)

      Cayuse’s Graduate Education Manager (GEM) offers a comprehensive management solution for your graduate school to track information about a student’s progression toward a graduate-level degree.

      Bolster your institution’s postgraduate program tracking and reporting capabilities

      • Give your students full transparency into their progress and a clear path toward a degree
      • Provide a central location to display feedback from supervisors, advisors, and other stakeholders in a student’s education process
      • Enable students to centrally submit requests for resources or course changes, giving them an optimal user experience as they navigate the path to degree completion

      “Now, any formal interaction between student and doctoral college that involves process takes place in Graduate Education Manager. It’s the place where we interact.”

      Dr. Ross English
      Doctoral College Manager

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